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Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012


A. THE EARLY LIFE COMES and development COMMUNITY HUMAN AND INDONESIA.With the help of the science of geology (the study of Earth's crust) the development of the initial formation of the earth up to now, divided into several times, namely:a. Azoikum age (no life)This era lasted for about 2500 million years, the state of the earth is still not stable and are still hot because it is in the process of formation. therefore at this time there are no signs of life.
b. Paleozoic age (oldest living)This era lasted about 340 million years, the state of the earth is still not stable and still evolving. However, towards the end of this era began there were signs that the life of single-celled animals, small animals are invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles and some plant species of algae. That is why today is also called the era of primary (first life time).
c. Mesozoic era (mid life)This era is estimated at around 140 million last year, at this age of life has been progressing very rapidly. Large trees appear, amphibians have evolved, reptiles and even reached the form of a very big like a dinosaur tyrannosaurus, brontosaurus, atlantosaurus.There is also a reptile species that have wings and can fly for hours, this type is called a Pterodon. This era is called the secondary era (the life-2), there is also a mention of this era in terms of age of reptiles, as animals are dominated by reptiles with a very large form. At the end of this era began to emerge of mammals.
d. Neozoikum age (young life)This era is estimated at around 60 million last year, this time divided into Tertiary age (life to-3) and quarter (the life-4). at this age have improved the state of the earth, climate change is not so large and rapidly growing life.
A. Tertiary ageAt the tertiary era, began to disappear giant reptiles, mammals developed rapidly, being a type of monkey primate from there then appears an orangutan species about 10 million years ago appears primate animal species larger than the so-called Giganthropus Gorilla. These animals are spread from Africa to South Asia, but later became extinct. At that time the island of Borneo is still united with the continent of Asia, as proof of an ancient type of pig (choeromous) of this era were also found in mainland Asia.
2. Age quarterLasts about 600 thousand years, the mark with signs of human life. This era is divided into age diluvium (pleistocen) and age alluvium (holocen).
3. Diluvium era lasted about 600 thousand years ago, began to emerge early human life. This era also called glacial period (ice age) due to melting Arctic ice cap that covers parts of northern Europe, northern Asia and North America.At this time of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan are still united with the mainland of Asia, while the eastern Indonesia to Australia. The melting of polar ice caps have resulted in the Indonesian islands separated by sea with Asia and Australia. Former mainland Asia is now the seabed called Sunda exposure, while the former mainland Australia are submerged in the sea water called Sahul exposure, two exposures are separated by Zone Wallace (wallace line).At this time the animals such as woolly mamouth (huge woolly elephant) to survive. While a thin feathered migrating to the tropics. Movement of animals from mainland Asia to Indonesia is divided into two paths. First through Malaysia to Sumatra and Java, both through Taiwan, Filipinos to Borneo and Java.At this time there is also movement of people from mainland Asia to Indonesia, the Pithecanthropus Erecrus (discovered in Trinil) with the same Sinanthropus pekinensis. Similarly, the results of the many cultures Pacitan found in China, Burma, Malaysia. Homo Wajakensis who became the ancestor of the Austroloid were also spread from Asia to Australia and the South to reduce Australia's indigenous aboriginal peoples.Age alluvium, at this time of the Indonesian archipelago has been formed and no longer united with Asia and Australia. The first type of human migration from Asia to Indonesia is gone and replaced by intelligent human species (homo sapiens).
2. CHRONOLOGY OF HUMAN BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF ANCIENT INDONESIAPrehistoric human life can be known through a variety of fossils. based on human research has had the ability to develop life, although still very modest and limited thinking abilities. Here are some discoveries of early human fossils in Indonesia:Here are some discoveries of early human fossils in Indonesia.
Paleo Meganthropus javanicusThis means that the oldest Java man large man, who lived in Java around 2-1 million years ago. This human body has a biological characteristic large, prominent forehead, cheek bones thick, hefty jaw, the main food plants and fruits, food gathering way of life (food gathering). Ralph von Koenigswald found fossils of a human lower jaw of this species at Sangiran (valley solo) in 1941.
PITECHANTHROPUSDefined by the ape-men, most fossils found in Indonesia. They live by hunting and food gathering. Pitechanthropus divided into several types: pitechanthropus mojokertensis, robustus, and erectus.Pitechanthropus mojokertensis fossil was discovered by von Koenigswald in 1936, in the shape of the skull of children aged 5 years in Mojokerto (Solo River valley). Lived about 2.5 to 2.25 million years ago. Characteristics - biological characteristics such as: prominent fore face, forehead thick and strong cheekbones.Pitechanthropus robustus fossils found by Wiedenreich and Koenigswald at Trinil (Ngawi, East Java) in 1939. Biological characteristics similar to Pitechathropus mojokertensis, Koenigswald even consider it is still of the same type.Pitechanthropus erectus (upright walking ape-man), fossils found by Eugene Dubois in Trinil (Ngawi, East Java) in 1890. They live about 1 million to 600 thousand years ago. Biological traits rather small stature, well-built body, strong chewers, brain volume 900 cc, the ability to think is still low. Jakob Teuku opinion, this man has been able to speak.
HOMOHomo Soloensis, fossils discovered between 1931 -1934 by von Koenigswald, Ter Haar and Oppemoorth along the Solo River valley. Soloensis Homo, which lived between 900-200 thousand years ago. Biological traits including body shape upright, not prominent forehead. According to Koenigswald, this type of higher level of Pitechanthropus Erectus.
Homo Wajakensis, fossils found by Dubois Rietschoten and between the years 1888-1889 in the village Wajak (Tulung Great). Biological characteristics: high reach 130-210 cm, weight about 30-150 kg, volume of the brain up to 1300CC. They live with a food that has been cooked, although in a very simple form.

Ten Places of Interest in Indonesia

Often we are astonished when a friend who just returned from abroad and show off about where his visit there, there are some who even proudly displayed his picture with the background of one of the wonders of the world.
However, in Indonesia also have places menabjubkan. Here are ten wonderful places in our country:
BorobudurBorobudur Temple is one of the largest Buddhist temple in the world. This temple was built when Samaratungga - king of the dynasty ruling dynasty in Central Java. This temple is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Borobudur temple is located in the village of Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. Borobudur Temple is very large and consists of large blocks of stone with a very majestic architecture. Because of that I put on the temple of Borobudur first row because of the difficulty of manufacture.

Komodo IslandKomodo Island is located in a strait between the island of Flores in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Komodo Island are the largest lizards in the world, the Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis). Komodo is believed to be residual dinosaur ancient animal is still alive. long Komodo dragon can reach 3 meters and the weight can reach 140 kg. On the island of Komodo peariran waters are also included underwater wonders of the world. Komodo waters of the ocean floor is the best in the world, at sea level menyembulnya dry lands of the mountainous rock. Komodo island is very worthy of inclusion in the list of wonders in Indonesia.

Lake FloresThe lake is the world's known as one of the nine wonders of the world. Three color lakes located in Mount Flores, Flores, NTT. There were three adjacent lakes, but with different colors. The crater lake is Tiwu Ata Polo (red lake), Nua Muri Kooh Fai Tiwu (green lake) and Ata Tiwu Mbupu (blue lake). Lake Flores is the only lake in the world in which the water may change at any time, from red to dark green and then red hearts, dark green to light green, dark brown to blue sky. This natural phenomenon is a miracle.


Peak Jayawijaya and CarstenzPeak is also listed as one of the top seven continents (Seven Summit), which is phenomenal and the target of a mountain climber in the world. Jayawijaya peak is located in the National Park Laurentz, Papua. These peaks covered by eternal snow. Eternal snow on top Jayawijaya is one of three snow fields in the tropics who are in the world.In our country through which the equator is, watching the snow in Indonesia certainly something that is impossible to be understood. Carstenz Pyramid (4884 masl) is one of the snowy peaks. The highest peak in Southeast Asia and the Pacific is located at the Sudirman Mountain range. This peak is famous not only because of the high, but also because there is a layer of snow on top.

PrambananPrambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia. Prambanan temple is located on the border of Central Java and Yogyakarta. This temple was built in about the year 850 AD. The architecture is magnificent and there are temples of both large and small on this Prambanan temple complex. There is also a legend that the temples are only made in a single night by a supernatural power as a condition to marry Bondowoso Jonggrang Loro. But not because of the legend of Prambanan included in this list but because of the greatness of the stunning architecture of the world.


Island of BaliThe island is one of the most beautiful island in the world. Bali Island is a resort island in the world. Tourist resorts on the island of Bali like Kintamani, Kuta Beach, Lake Batur, Goa Gajah, Siring, Bedugul, Lot of land and so on. The island is included in this list because many of the most amazing places in the architecture and natural beauty of this island which has also been recognized worldwide.


BromoMount Bromo is one of five volcanic mountain complex located in the Tengger mountains in the sea of ​​sand. The attraction of this mountain is a volcano is still active. Mount Bromo tourist attraction is a natural phenomenon with a specificity of natural phenomena that are not found anywhere else is a crater in the middle of the crater (in the creater creater) with a stretch of sand sea that surrounds it.


TorajaSouth Sulawesi Toraja lies. Toraja land is unique, especially in terms of burial. The bodies were not buried, but placed in the caves in the rock. The bodies are accompanied by statues that depict the deceased. Here there are graves in the rock. One form is the tomb stone tomb made at the top of the cliff at the height of the rock. According to animism Aluk To Dolo among Tana Toraja, the higher the place he put the bodies are growing quickly to meet the spirit of God or heaven.


KrakatauThe eruption of Mount Krakatoa never shake the earth. The volcano had erupted on August 26, 1883. The explosion is very powerful and also generate a tsunami that killed about 36,000 people.Krakatau eruption voice to be heard in Alice Springs, Australia and the island of Rodrigues near Africa. Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. Even the dust is said to outer space. Although Krakatoa was not as dangerous as it used to be (hopefully) but its history is one of the wonders of nature itself.


Lake TobaPerhaps many do not know that Lake Toba was once a volcano. The lake is located in the crater of the world's largest super. Mount Toba eruption is estimated at 73 thousand years ago. The eruption was recorded as the largest volcano eruptions affect climate around the world.

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

Art Glass Painting

  The picture above is a painting of glass that is usually located in the church. A two-dimensional art.
Cirebon Glass Painting is one branch of painting using the medium of glass, which is upside down or painting techniques to paint the back and enjoy the results of the front.
Glass painting located in the image above to use the jar as a medium. Glass painting is very specific in the process.
Glass painting is known as a specific product. That's because Cirebon painted Glass Painting with reverse painting technique, rich in color gradation and harmonic nuances and displaying decorative ornaments or decorative motif and Wadasan Mega Mostly we know as the Motif Batik Cirebon.
Glass painting style that embraces the nuances of modern 3-dimensional, this is mostly done Painters Glass to give a beautiful impression.
A puppet glass painting, also from cirebon. Most of the art of glass painting cirebon influenced by Chinese culture.
Shaped glass calligraphy painting. Is characteristic of glass painting cirebon. There are 42 types of glass paintings of saints or the relics of Sunan Gunung Jati sunan particular.
The picture above is the traditional glass painting Kamasan. Describes the puppets dancing.
The picture above is a glass painting of Ravana. Glass painting a picture of the puppet is usually believed to bring a different personality and character. Or belief of the maker.
Painting on glass using shades or staining that adheres to the Light and Dark Light to Dark. Painting on glass requires precision and patience.
The picture above is a painting of glass that is experiencing a stage of filling the paint on the glass field. Ways must be carefully painted, should be smooth and constant so as not to get out of the boundary line.
Glass painting puppets are accompanied by cloudy mega element. Because the glass painting itself comes from Cirebon.
Glass painting a picture of a very famous puppet character that is bagong. Cirebon usually shaped glass painting or calligraphy images of puppets, because the picture is characteristic of glass painting cirebon itself.
Glass painting that uses glass media for a vase. Techniques are not much different from the other glass painting. However, the use of the field is more difficult because the vase medium round and not flat like glass painting in general.
  The picture above is a glass painting in the past showcased at Work Glass Painting for the Young Mudi in the city of Cirebon. The goal is to further develop Cirebon Glass Painting.
Glass painting is usually present in buildings or homes. Glass artists using techniques that can give the impression of a lush colored background sky like the sun in the afternoon.
Glass painting pictures puppets who are fighting with a snake. Paintings like this are usually believed to keep evil forces and are usually on display at the front door.
Glass painting flowers. Looks like real. Because the glass painter using modern techniques. Where are all drawn with a decorative object, simply left open in the background without a stuffed cat.
   It is said that this glass painting originated in China brought the Chinese traders into the region Cirebon. But not known for certain about its history.
The picture is one of the development effort through the Cirebon Glass Painting Glass Painting Training Activities for young men and women in the city of Cirebon in the year 2006. Glass painting has been known since the 17th century when the reign of Queen Panembahan in Cirebon, as a form of media propaganda in the spread of Islam at that time.